Gifting 101: How To Send Samples To Influencers

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A great way to get product in from of influencers at very little expense is through gifting. Also known as seeding, gifting is the practice of sending product to a celebrity, publication or influencer, free of charge, in the hopes of securing publicity. Oftentimes the goal is to secure a social media post in support of the product creating genuine, engaging and memorable content and word of mouth recommendations, resulting in boosted brand awareness, credibility and strong potential return on investment. Sampling also creates a sense of reciprocity. When brands provide individuals with a positive experience, these people are naturally inclined to want to reciprocate the favour, fostering a positive relationship. Seeding should never be unsolicited however, so brands need to put the feelers out before shipping product.

The fashion and beauty markets have utilised this technique for years. From cosmetics to hair accessories, and of course swimwear, gifting has allowed creators to test, assess quality and authentically review merchandise for their followers. 

As the industry has advanced, influencers have grown accustomed to gifting programs and are effectively spoilt when it comes to which products to promote across their platforms.

In the post below we will look at several that brands can have the best chance of making an impact and soliciting brand loyalty through gifting.

Outline Your Goals

First and foremost, before starting your influencer outreach, brands must determine what exactly they want the seeding program to accomplish. The campaign should be aligned to these specific objectives. For example, do you want to generate publicity for a product launch? If so, you may want to consider sending samples ahead of the drop to create the feel of exclusivity for a limited group of influencers. Or are you hoping to increase sales or brand recognition? Decide whether your influencers targets are commercially-driven or sentiment-driven. 

Choose Recipients Wisely

Targeting is everything when it comes to gifting. Try to make sure to identify people who have an organic affinity with your brand, who have used your product of their own volition or who you genuinely think would enjoy your product. If you are a new brand, consider reaching out to nano or micro-influencers to build word of mouth amongst the fashion and beauty community. Use the Fashion Influencer & Style Blogger List which comes in a spreadsheet format so you can track responses and feedback.

Make It Personal

If brands truly want to impress influencers, adding a personal touch could put them over the edge. Why not ask an influencer their preferred color, print, or size? Include a personalised thank you note in the package to thank them for their support and let them know how to get in touch with you if they have any questions. Look back through their content and pick out anything of use, such as favorite colors, or styles. Influencers will appreciate brands going the extra mile to get to know them personally. Brands could also consider custom packaging.

Get Your Commerce On

If possible, brands can use their e-commerce website to send products to influencers. A great way to accomplish this is to generate promo codes for individual influencers to use, for which they can then choose their own items. This will also encourage them to surf your site and get a feel for the brand in general, testing out the consumer experience. Help guide them along the way, by suggesting some hero products they should take a look at. Prioritise anything that looks great in photos and any under-performing merchandise you’re hoping to lend a helping hand to.

Timing Is Everything

Find out when influencer’s birthdays or anniversaries are to time product seeding accordingly. Creators will be more open if already in the celebratory mood. Similarly, keep an eye out for key events and awareness days you can hook your campaign to that make it more relevant as discussion topic. Championing red, pink, or heart-print items around Valentine’s Day for example, couldn’t hurt.

Play The Long Game

Sometimes instant gratification is what a brand is looking for with gifting program. However, the most mutually-beneficial and fruitful relationships are those that cultivate loyalty over time. Gifting is the perfect ‘in’ with an influencer who may be unfamiliar with your company. Allow the connection to blossom organically and give them a chance to fall in love with the merchandise before requesting a quick win. They’ll be more likely to answer your call regarding larger collaborations in the future. Check in to find out if there’s anything they’re looking for that you can provide.

Bring The Fun

An indirect but effective way of getting brand tags and handles incorporated into content is to invite influencers to take part in a wider challenge or competition. Add a fun, competitive element to your campaign. Jump on a viral TikTok trend and enlist influences support to create dynamic content using your product, for a chance to win a prize. These more engaging, creative brand ideas will rise to the top of the pile. 

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